=============================================================================================== BOXBR PANEL INSTALLATION: ( EN ) LICENSED FOR BOXBR CUSTOMER =============================================================================================== Note: Remember! Do not forget to go through all the pages of the panel, to complete the entire installation and configure according to your needs, before the first use. step by step: 1. Extract the contents of the zip 2. Copy the entire panelxc folder to your host 3. Login to the dashboard with Login: admin/admin 4. Master Login: BOXBRMASTERADMIN/BOXBRMASTERIBO28 5. For login master reset: URL: http://yourpanel.com/login.php?masterreset=1 Login: (your last user) | or | ( Master User ) + (day+month) (your last pass) | or | ( Master Pass ) + (day+month) *** Example: Actual date: ( 09/12 ) ** Enter: user: admin0912 pass: admin0912 **(Required PHP 8.1 and SourceGuardian13 for the Panel to work) ============================================================================================== APK CONFIGURATION ============================================================================================== 1. Open in your favorite editor (I recommend MT or NP) 2. In: ( LBoxBRSettings.smali ) Locate and replace the 3 PanelKey lines ( 1, 2 ,3 ) with: YOURPANEL-KEY-(1,2,3)-CRYPTO-URL-HERE by the encrypted links generated in the panel. 3. Normal editing of name, package and images. ============================================================================================= INSTALAÇÃO DO PAINEL BOXBR: ( PT ) LICENCIADO PARA CLIENTES BOXBR =============================================================================================== Observação: Lembre-se! Não esqueça de passar por todas as paginas do panel, para concluir toda a instalação e configurar de acordo com sua necessidade, antes da primeira utilização. passo-a-passo: 1. Extraia o conteúdo do zip 2. Copie toda a pasta panelxc para o seu host 3. Faça login no painel com Login: admin/admin 4. Master Login: BOXBRMASTERADMIN/BOXBRMASTERIBO28 5. Para iniciar o reset de senha: URL: http://yourpanel.com/login.php?masterreset=1 Login: (Ultimo usuario) | ou | ( Usuario Master ) + (dia+mes) (Ultima senha) | or | ( Senha Master ) + (dia+mes) *** Examplo: Data Atual: ( 09/12 ) ** Entre com: Usuario: admin0912 Senha: admin0912 **(Requer PHP 8.1 e SourceGuardian13 para que o Painel funcione) ============================================================================================== CONFIGURAÇÃO DO APK ============================================================================================= 1. Abra em seu editor favorito (recomendo MT ou NP) 2. Em ( LBoxBRSettings.smali ) Localize e substitua as 3 linhas PanelKey ( 1, 2 ,3 ) com: YOURPANEL-KEY-(1,2,3)-CRYPTO-URL-HERE pelo links criptografado gerados no painel. 3. Edição normal de nome, pacote e imagens.